In Almaty on December 8-10 the National Coordinators (“sherps”) Meeting took place for the preparation of the 4th Global Nuclear Security Summit, which is scheduled to take place in 2016 in USA. During the event on December 10 technical tour of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) took place. INP’s guests visited the research reactor WWR-K, the radiopharmaceuticals housing production at the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Physics (under construction), and the Center for Integrated Environmental Research Labs. It was followed by the meeting in the bilateral meeting room on the theme “Validity of Economic Incentives for the Transition to the Technology without HEU in Civilian Sector of Industry”, where the First Deputy Director Chakrov P. V gave a presentation. The Delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan was led by Ashikbayev Y. N., the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Zhantikin T. M., the Deputy Chairman of the Atomic Energy Supervision and Control Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The first Nuclear Security Summit took place in Washington, US in 2010, the second in Seoul, the Republic of Korea in 2012, the third in Hague, Netherlands in 2014. The Republic of Kazakhstan has been a Summit participant from the very start. Kazakhstan’s active stance on the support of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and the strengthening of nuclear security is widely known and recognized.