The “Reactor Technologies” training course in area of peaceful uses of atomic energy was held on October 23-27 on the basis of the National Nuclear Center of RK involving specialists from Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), organized under the agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA).

The current course has been conducting for the third time (since 2015). Training involved young specialists from the “Institute of Atomic Energy” branch of RSE NNC RK, about ten specialists participated in the course as coordinators and instructors. Some experts involved in the course as coordinators and instructors previously passed training in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Two instructors from JAEA – Akihide Hidaka and Ikuo Ioka participated in the course from Japanese side. The course covered issues on application of research reactors, modern methods for study of structural and fuel materials and NPP safety assessment.

A distinctive aspect of the course this year was practical and laboratory lectures conducted in modern material testing laboratories of the Institute of Atomic Energy branch, computer room as well as technical tours organized to RRC “Baikal-1” and “Experimental Field” site.