A seminar for employees of the National Nuclear Center and branch the Institute of Atomic Energy was held from 18 to 22 of May.

Training specialists were experts of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL, USA) and the Center of designing of core regions of Kharkiv Physics and Technology Institute (Ukraine).

The presence of qualified calculation engineers in the field of neutron physics and thermal hydraulics, availability of modern programme codes and powerful computer systems determine not only the ability to perform highly qualified research using a reactors, but also are indicative of high scientific culture of organization of works in general and about guaranteed security of their conducting.

This is precisely why the great attention to development of calculation simulation methods and advanced training of calculation engineers put in National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The former seminar is the third, and these seminars moved from unusual to the category of events which held on a regular basis.

The 18 specialists of NNC attended lectures and took part in practical training under auspices of experts of Center of designing of cores in areas of neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic performance simulation of nuclear reactors, at that the emphasis was on the research of processes, typical or hypothetically possible for research reactors of NNC RK.

The modern software, which currently are the basic tooling arrangement at conducting of investigative research in relation to any reactor facilities, including nuclear power reactors used during the seminar.

In course of time, the organizers of the seminars are going to draw attention to nuclear power reactors, going to solution of the problems of training of technical experts in the field of calculation modelling of reactor facilities of NPP.

The employees of the National Nuclear Center noted the high process quality of training and qualifications of teaching staff. In its turn, the experts from Kharkov noted a high standard of knowledge of calculation engineers of NNC RK and expressed a wish to holding of seminars in the future.