Works on IVG.1M conversion have be continuing in the National Nuclear Center of RK based on low enriched fuel under international initiative on nuclear weapon non-proliferation.

In the process of IVG.1M conversion two fuel assemblies with new low enriched fuel should pass long-term resource testing. On April 13, 2018 the next start-up of IVG.1M research reactor was successfully conducted with the purpose to continue testing of two fuel assemblies. During start-up process reactor operated on standard capacity levels during planned period of time.

Apart from implementation of the Program on IVG.1M Conversion an experiment was conducted on Project “Lithium Capillary-Porous Structures Reactor Tests” as part of the International Program on construction of the World’s first thermonuclear reactor. During the experiment data were obtained on tritium separation from lithium capillary-porous system during irradiation in the reactor. May we remind, that tritium is one of fuel components of thermonuclear reactor. Reactor experiment was conducted successfully, experimental tasks were accomplished.