VII International Scientific-Practical Conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site. Radiation Legacy and Development Prospects” takes place in the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

This year marks 25th anniversary since the date after signing of the Decree of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Closure of Semipalatinsk Test Site. This remarkable event is associated with the history of creation of the National Nuclear Center of RK.

Having opened plenary meeting, Erlan Batyrbekov, Director General of NNC RK noted that: “40-year activity of Semipalatinsk Test Site is one of the stages in the history of the former Soviet Union, but the closure of STS and elimination of test site activity consequences is one of the first pages in the history of sovereign State – the Republic of Kazakhstan. After the closure of test site, the National Nuclear Center was formed on May 15, 1992 by the Presidential Decree at the base of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site and associated scientific organizations and objects located at the territory of Kazakhstan. Creating the Center new difficult tasks in the field of nonproliferation, nuclear power and radioecology have begun solved. Over the years NNC RK jointly with international partners carried out a set of problems on elimination of nuclear testing infrastructure, the operations on elimination of nuclear weapon tests consequences were completed, scientific-technical, technological and staff base for nuclear power development in the Republic was created.

Welcome remarks for participants of conference were addressed by Daniyal Akhmetov, Akim of EKO and Kanat Bozumbayev, Minister of Energy.

During three days since September 21-23, 2016, the issues of radiation hazardous objects state, including sites of nuclear tests and accidents, current problems of radiation safety concerns in the sphere of industry and medicine, reduction of nuclear weapon proliferation risks, nuclear power safety development will be considered by specialists from 16 countries of the world.

Semipalatinsk Test Site is still of special attention for Kazakhstani residents and scientists, and practically the only test site opened for scientific research. The Conference’s participants were provided with unique opportunity to touch the history of STS activity, visiting experimental complexes of NNC RK, Experimental Field site, museum of NNC RK and Semipalatinsk Test Site, other objects.