On 5-7 September, 2016 RSE INP has been visited by the delegation from Japan: the members of Chiyoda Technol Corporation (СТС) are Special Advisor KAWAMURA Hiroshi, General Manager KANAZAWA Hidetaka, and the representative of Marubeni Utility Services, LTD. (MUS) Head of CIS department IKEDA Masayki. At the meeting the participants discussed the cooperation development between the organizations in the field of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals production, and application of experimental capacities of WWR-K research reactor for joint scientific research.
The members of the delegation have visited the WWR-K research reactor, the Unit of radiopharmaceuticals production in the Center of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics, the Laboratories of the Center of Complex Environment Research, the Nuclear Security Training Center under construction.
As a result of the negotiations RSE INP and CTC Corporation have agreed to cooperate in the following areas:
• production and delivery of radioisotopes produced in the INP, including iridium-192 and molybdenum-99 for industrial and nuclear medicine applications to Japan;
• testing the technology and subsequent production of neutron-doped silicon on the WWR-K reactor for electronics industry of Japan;
• joint research on neutron irradiation in the WWR-K reactor for universities and industrial companies in Japan;
• preparation and signing of the Memorandum on cooperation between RSE INP and CTC;
• cooperation in staff exchange and training.
As the results of CTC Corporation visit the Protocol of Cooperation has been signed.