The Japan delegation from the «ChiyodaTechnolCorporation» (СТС) visited RSE «INP» on 30 January – 3 February, 2017. The Japan delegation was led by the President of the Company Yamaguchi Kazuhiko. After signing of the Memorandum of cooperation between RSE “INP” and CTC during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. of Japan in November 2016, this is the second meeting of the senior management and the specialists from these organizations. The first meeting took place in December 2016 in Japan.
The meeting included the discussion of the specific steps to promote cooperation in the following areas:
• RI production and supply;
• production of neutron-doped silicon;
• development of the methods of ionizing radiation radiological control and training of the radiological control specialists;
• joint research using the reactor WWR-K.

The text draft of the Implementing Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in safe application of the radiation technologies between RSE INP and CTC was jointly prepared.
The representatives of the delegation visited the reactor complex WWR-K and the Radiopharmaceuticals Production Unit of the Center of Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics.
The Minutes of the Meeting was prepared and signed off according to the meeting results.