In March of this year, Russian specialists from the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” visited the National Nuclear Center within the realization of joint program on Tokamak KTM preparation to the physical start-up.

During the visit the meetings with NNC RK leadership, as well as specialists of Tokamak KTM were conducted where the status and activity progress performed at Tokamak KTM complex were informed, the issues and plan of KTM joint preparation to the physical start-up were discussed.

Russian specialists made a report on upgrading status for Tokamak Т15-М.

During the visit, Russian specialists made an expert assessment for the status of experimental complex KTM and operational preparedness of systems to physical start-up, transfer of methods, sharing experiences on preparation and setting of systems, evolving of further collaboration plans.

The outcome of the meeting was Protocol with recommendation list and required operations for the preparation to the physical start-up.

As a whole, Russian specialists marked fairly high degree of Tokamak KTM complex preparedness which can be timely ready to the physical start-up after the main systems installation and setting completion.