On May 26, 2016 Jessica HALSE – Deputy Director of Conversion Department, US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Jordi ROGLANS-RIBAS – Technical Director of Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program and Andrew BROWN – Postgraduate of NNSA Department for accounting and control have visited the Institute.

The guests visited the WWR-K reactor where the power start up was in progress at that time. They examined the control panel and reactor new equipment purchased with the support of NNSA.

In the conversation that took place later, Jessica HALSE and Jordi ROGLANS-RIBAS noted the huge work done in the INP and stressed the international importance of WWR-K reactor conversion.

The successful cooperation of our institute with Argonne National Laboratory in preparation for reactor conversion was also highlighted. Jessica has confirmed NNSA readiness for further cooperation in the framework of the Agreement between INP and ANL.

Jordi ROGLANS-RIBAS offered to make a presentation on WWR-K reactor conversion at the 37th International Meeting on Enrichment Down Blending for Research and Test Reactors RERTR-2016 held by the United States Department of Energy.