Over the period from November 24 to November 28, 2015, the working meetings of specialists from National Nuclear Center of RK with representatives of Toshiba and Marubeni Utility Services, Ltd were held under NNC RK projects in safety of CORMIT (Corium and Refractory Materials Interaction Test) and “Fukushima Debris” nuclear reactors. The meeting took place in Toshiba Company, Isogo Engineering Center, Yokohama, Japan.

During the meetings, concepts and conditions to conduct large-scale (LAVA-B facility) and small-scale (VChG-135 bench) experiments, the results of being conducted material science research, plans for further research and others, were discussed.

Toshiba Company specialists once again noted the significance of ongoing research in NNC RK and the importance of obtained results in mitigation of severe accident consequences at Fukushima reactors and in reactor safety improvement in general.

The meeting was attended by NNC RK representatives: Deputy Director General for Science M.K Skakov, Deputy Director of Branch IAE NNC RK for Nuclear Technologies A.A Kolodetschnikov, Deputy Director of Branch IAE NNC RK for Material Science Research V.V Baklanov, Head of Reactor Testing Division V.A Zuev.