The working visit of INP delegation headed by INP General Director Sakhiyev S.K. was held in the USA on 19-26 of June, 2016.

On 20-21 June in Charleston, the delegation participated in IAEA meeting on return of fuel from the research reactor. The meeting of INP representatives with American and Russian colleagues took place on the 21st of June with discussion of the progress in preparation of spent nuclear fuel of the WWR-K reactor for transportation to the manufacturer’s country.

On 22nd of June the INP delegation visited the Massachusetts Technological Institute (MTI), located in the suburbs of Boston. During the visit, the representatives of INP visited MTI reactor, met with the Director of the reactor Doctor. Lin-Wen Hu. The meeting with the Head of the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Technology D.Whyte and his staff: M.P.Short, P.J. Hohenberger included the discussion of the interim results of ongoing joint activities on radiation material science and possible new areas of cooperation, in particular: nuclear physics, neutron physics, specialists’ training. Considering above, the text of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Institute of Nuclear Physics and the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Technology was jointly prepared. It is currently being approved in the MIT Agreements Department.

The technical tour to the Omega facility in the University of Rochester (Rochester city) was held on 23rd of June, the visitors got acquainted with the experimental capabilities of this unit. In the framework of the visit the General Director of INP Sakhiyev S.K. made a presentation on the activities in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion with magnetic inertial confinement of plasma. During discussion the proposal was made to begin the experiments for certain tasks.

The meeting with M.Creedon, Deputy Head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) of the US Department of Energy took place on the 24th of June with additional discussions of the above-mentioned areas of joint research and development, and review of the design/project of the guest house at the Nuclear Security Training Centre, being under construction on the territory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. According to the meeting results, it was decided that NNSA will consider the possibility of participation in funding of this project.