Chairman of the Management Board of «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC Nurlan Kapparov undertook a working visit to Almaty oblast.

In Karatal region the Head of the National Atomic Company Nurlan Kapparov and akim of Almaty oblast Amandyk Batalov visited «KazSilicon» metallurgical combine where they became acquainted with silicon fabrication technique and employees’ working conditions. Re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise reduced the production cost and greenhouse gasses emissions as well. «MC «KazSilicon» LLP is the subsidiary of «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC, which produces metallurgical silicon with an estimated capacity 5000 t per annum. Gangue quartz from Sarykol deposit is used as a raw material. «MC «KazSilicon» LLP is a part of «KAZ PV» project. Silicon is a primary product for solar panel.

Besides, from November 3rd till 7th the Chairman of the Management Board of «NAC «Kazatomprom» JSC undertook a working visit to the People’s Republic of China. During this visit N. Kapparov met with the director of Chinese Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) Mr. Xu Dazhe, Chairman of the Board of Chinese National Nuclear Company (CNNC) Mr. Sun Qin, Director General of China Guandong Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) Mr. Zhang Shanming, and visited Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in Shēnzhèn.