Kazakhstani delegation on invitation of Rosatom Corporate Academy participated in the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students that was held on October 2017 in Sochi. The delegation consisted of representatives from Kazatomprom, National Nuclear Center, Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan, Institute of Nuclear Physics and Ulba Metallurgical Plant. The National Nuclear Center was represented by Maxat Bekmuldin, Research Officer.

The program of Kazakhstani delegation was very tight. Within the framework of the program “Industry of the Future” delegation members participated in discussion of global tendencies and development issues of industry, information technologies and power engineering. Discussions were held with top-managers of transnational companies and technological leaders of Russia and foreign countries. Discussion topics: man, society, technologies, space, nature, culture, economics and other ideas and trends of the future vision development. Discussion format: from group design to individual duels.

Together with discussion platforms cultural and entertaining activities were arranged for the festival participants.

“We actively participated in the work of discussion platforms. But the main thing is that friendly atmosphere and mutual understanding of the Festival helped us to make new friends”, - noted Maxat Bekmuldin.